Highlight for Album: Baycon
Album: Baycon


Annual San Francisco Bay Area Regional convention held at the San Jose Doubletree on Memorial Day weekend.

Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 9 items
Last comment 10/11/05.
Viewed: 3686 times.

Highlight for Album: Consonance
Album: Consonance

The San Francisco Bay Area filk convention.

Not really a controled set of albums yet. Consider it a work in progress.
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 5 items
Last comment 01/22/06.
Viewed: 2716 times.

Highlight for Album: Costume-Con
Album: Costume-Con
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 2 items
Viewed: 1844 times.

Highlight for Album: Further Confusion
Album: Further Confusion
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 1 item
Viewed: 2060 times.

Highlight for Album: Loscon
Album: Loscon


Los Angeles Area Regional convention held by the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) on Thanksgiving weekend.

Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 1 item
Last comment 02/18/05.
Viewed: 2988 times.

Highlight for Album: Silicon
Album: Silicon


San Francisco Area convention held in the later part of the year as a fundraising event for the Diabetes Society of Santa Clara Valley.

Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 3 items
Last comment 10/09/06.
Viewed: 3305 times.

Highlight for Album: Westercon
Album: Westercon
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 1 item
Viewed: 1840 times.

Highlight for Album: Wondercon
Album: Wondercon


San Francisco Area Comic and Media convention held at the Moscone Center in Febrauray or March of each year.

Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 1 item
Last comment 06/06/06.
Viewed: 2845 times.

Highlight for Album: Worldcon
Album: Worldcon
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 1 item
Viewed: 1760 times.

Highlight for Album: ConChord - March 1997
Album: ConChord - March 1997
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 57 items
Viewed: 4177 times.

Highlight for Album: KlingKon, Nov 1997
Album: KlingKon, Nov 1997
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 21 items
Viewed: 2836 times.

Highlight for Album: StarQuest - July 1998
Album: StarQuest - July 1998
Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 58 items
Viewed: 4325 times.

Highlight for Album: Accio 2005
Album: Accio 2005

Harry Potter Academic Convention
Run by fans for fans.

A better description will be coming soon

All photos taken
July 29-31, 2005
Copyright 2005 by
John O'Halloran

Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 126 items
Last comment 09/02/05.
Viewed: 11327 times.

Highlight for Album: TeslaCon
Album: TeslaCon

Vintacon 2005

All photos taken October 14-16, 2005
Copyright 2005 by John O'Halloran

Last change: 04/29/07
Contains: 43 items
Last comment 10/17/05.
Viewed: 6525 times.

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Notice: All photos are taken and copyright by

John O'Halloran - JohnO@TyeDye.Org

All rights reserved, with the following exception.

If you are the primary subject of the image, you are granted rights to use the photo for personal use (web pages, photo albums, etc) and personal promotion (portfolios, resumes, etc), but not for sale. It is your responsibility to obtain releases from other persons depicted in the image. I request that credit be given and copies of any print materials be given to me. If used on the web, I request the URL.